This Blog with Omaha the Cat Dancer
Amer/Euro(erotica)site might be old and all the links don't work.
What is forbidden Planet UK Blog
This is a really classy collection of erotica (not pornopgraphy)
wrote this fragment in my diary on November 4th, almost a week after the tumor was discovered: “Is it that matters of politics and war don’t matter when your health is compromised, or is it that they don’t matter at all? Why aren’t you interested in all the things you’ve been following for months and months? Have you turned a corner permanently? Is this posting over, not for health reasons, but because it’s no longer your destiny?” well hang out floating in a tube of liquid why don't you
Jonmillward hiddens corners of psychology
Crowd sourcing erotica with intimacy involved
This Cindy Gallop make love not pornwomen have a more emotional and psychological response to erotic content, while men have a more visual and physical response. It's true that porn can serve as a sexual education, but a very useful education for exploring one's sexual interests and learning about one's sexual identity -- am I gay? Do I prefer to be dominant or submissive?what good MLNP ideas!
March 23 2012 national postprostitution legalized in Canada