
yeah happy april fools day....... the day was full of fools.

now its time to fix my blog up with less heavy banner image

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Postcolonial Studies @ Emory

A Report on Psychology & Architecture By W. Bro. Victor G. Popow, Dec 2000. V1 Architecture, Patterns and Mathematics

===========this article====é It’s an exponentially expanded system of artists, audiences, art markets, dealers, galleries, curators, critics, collectors, museums, institutes, foundations, biennials, triennials, quadrennials, fairs, auction houses, art schools, prizes, books, magazines, journals and consultancies.

Outline of a Sociological Theory of Art Perception∗

Saturday, 3 August 2013

" an awareness of the current scene (social and political and otherwise)" poetryfoundation

from Dies: A Sentence by Vanessa Place The maw that rends without tearing, the maggoty claw that serves you, what, my baby buttercup, prunes stewed softly in their own juices or a good slap in the face, there's no accounting for history in any event, even such a one as this one, O, we're knee-deep in this one, you and me, we're practically puppets, making all sorts of fingers dance above us, what do you say, shall we give it another whirl, we can go naked, I suppose, there's nothing to stop us and everything points in that direction, do you think there will be much music later and of what variety, we've that, at least, now that there's plenty of pieces to be gathered by the wool-coated orphans and their musty mums, they'll put us in warm wicker baskets, cover us with a cozy blanket of snow, and carry us home, walking carefully through the rubble and around the landmines, or visa versa, poor little laddy's lost his daddy, pauvre unminted lamb, you'd give him a chuck on the chin if you still had arms, sure as I'd pitch myself into a highland fling for the sake of the neighbors, but they say or at least said once and if we're very quiet we might hear them again, that all of us will reune with all of us when the time comes, our bits and pieces will cling-a-ling to our cores like fillings rag a magnet, think how big we'll be then, we'll spread from sea to see, sky's the limit for philomel and firmament, and there will be Indians and buffalo and a hero's welcome, I've always wanted a hero's welcome, it's due, said the capitulate archduke, doubtless they'll put us in long black cars and someone's sure to have a picnic, that's the beauty of it, someone's always sure to have a picnic, and we'll laugh when they salt and pepper their hard eggs and be glad to lend our long bones for rude goalposts, what's that, that sound, nothing, you say, right again, nothing walks heavily, nothing stomps about, the big turd, carding its beard with a baleen comb, and lovingly licking the mirror in the eggcup, it fixes red-hot ingots to its ears and pirouettes in a pineneedle shawl, showing itself off to one and all, it's a braggart and a pimp, this nothing, ups the short hairs nonetheless, doesn't it, but that's all right, continue making your stew, sun's swallowed and we've plenty of hours to morn, assuming there's to be another dawn, I'm keeping the faith on that one, my friend, my comrade, my comparison, why I'd light a candle and pray, if I weren't afraid of snipers, still, a campfire seems safe enough, at least for cooking, no one'd be so mean as to shoot a man before his supper, what's the sport in that, better to let a body leisure and sup, knowing there's no time to digest, for it's utter contempt you're after, that and the absolute beauty of wasted sweet butter, it was important that the last bite taste better, though saltless, we've St. Maladroit to clap for that, the silvertongued one, he who proved birds traitors for singing what must be sung, thoughtless, dolce, thoughtless, still, perhaps the next one will use a beer batter, make a nice soda bread, slather it with the whitest spread, that's good shooting, my darling, right between hiccoughs, speaking of which, how's your arm, you complained earlier, though quietly, you didn't want to disturb my concentration, I was squeezing oranges into cans and setting up camp, there's so much to do before a battle, don't you agree, put shoes into trees and try our hair in different styles, I thoughtfully chalked some names and addresses on our backs to facilitate false identification of our remains, unfortunately it makes us better targets... - See more at: http://www.poets.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/22110#sthash.7GfHphvA.dpuf
poetryfoundationIn the case of other types of poetry that’s not the case. Other types of poetry require – nerve / emotional commitment and energy / something to say / and then something more to say / a varying set of word skills variously and skillfully employed / a breadth of personality capable of expressing that breadth / some intensity of focus / diligence / the willingness to be vulnerable in the pursuit of whatever / empathy with others (as potential readers / or not) / all of the senses present and employable / compassion / an open and constantly revolving mind / at the same time capable of infinite focus / the need and the intention to share / an awareness of the current scene (social and political and otherwise) / an abiding sense of time (and times) / the ability to relax into the moment (with all that you’ve got) / the willingness and ability to let yourself feel whatever you’re doing makes you feel / structural and formal ideas (and the ability to combine them) / passion / a sense of style / a flair for style / honesty (with oneself / with “others” / with the words) / a full range of feelings / a sense of urgency / a relaxed writing hand –

Sorting Your Waste – The Japanese Are Showing The Way

Friday, 26 April 2013

UK Feminism Marxism, {{{{!Magical Realism Fucks!}}}

British Marxist Feminist Blog

p>A Magical Realism of the Fuck at Interdisciplinary Comic Studies

This Blog with Omaha the Cat Dancer

Amer/Euro(erotica)site might be old and all the links don't work.

What is forbidden Planet UK Blog

This is a really classy collection of erotica (not pornopgraphy)

wrote this fragment in my diary on November 4th, almost a week after the tumor was discovered: “Is it that matters of politics and war don’t matter when your health is compromised, or is it that they don’t matter at all? Why aren’t you interested in all the things you’ve been following for months and months? Have you turned a corner permanently? Is this posting over, not for health reasons, but because it’s no longer your destiny?” well hang out floating in a tube of liquid why don't you

Jonmillward hiddens corners of psychology

Crowd sourcing erotica with intimacy involved

This Cindy Gallop make love not pornwomen have a more emotional and psychological response to erotic content, while men have a more visual and physical response. It's true that porn can serve as a sexual education, but a very useful education for exploring one's sexual interests and learning about one's sexual identity -- am I gay? Do I prefer to be dominant or submissive?what good MLNP ideas!

March 23 2012 national postprostitution legalized in Canada

Organic Conservatism, Administrative Realism, and the Imperialist Ethos in the 'Indian Career' of John Stuart Mill

Thoughts on Poetry and its Varieties John Stuart Mill

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Enabled commenting on all posts. like to hear some feedback, thanks,

English Fairy Tales by: Joseph Jacobs

Mr. Fox

Russian look at the steps of artistic perception: and Science of Art, It gets pretty deep quotes a Russian (O-V) “The verse is nothing but pedantic prose in which metric uniformity has been maintained, (this essay this Marxist site ) whereas prose is a free verse in which iambi, trochees, etc, alternate freely and arbitrarily, and do not prevent certain prose (Turgenev’s, for instance) from being more harmonious than some verse.” The last exert from the essay doesn't really do it it's justice, "The free feeling of relative lightness, of the parasitic enjoyment of exploiting somebody else’s labor free of charge is the source of artistic enjoyment." It's really talking about the scientific likeness of human perception but how usually art culture don't respond in a way that is responding as a specimen, we are socially bonded differently, or are we? This is Tolstoy's addition to this multi faceted, infinite subject: "In nearly everything I wrote I was guided by the need of gathering thoughts and connecting them to express myself, but each thought expressed separately loses its meaning and becomes insignificant if taken out of the context to which it belongs. The context itself is not made up of thoughts (I think) but of something else, and it is impossible to express in precise words the basis of this combination. But it can be done indirectly, using words to describe images, actions, and situations." This other article talks about psychological mental functions: "egocentric speech becomes inner speech which becomes more and more abbreviated and esoteric until non-verbal conceptual thought takes root alongside unconscious socialised speech."

Goethe Society of N.A.

Potenbia in google books

sierra club for environmentalists ontario

Tolstoy's War and Peace

This is Northrop Frye's best book!

Sunday, 31 March 2013

“Artists need to embrace the fact that both their work, and they themselves as artists, are brands that must be marketed.”

From this article: 6 Social Media Tips for Artists and Gallery Owners

Second step: In addition to posting new work or promoting new shows or openings, your blog can also be a place to offer a behind-the-scenes look at your creative process, share pictures from relevant art events or chronicle your time at a prestigious art auction.

First step is to optimize your website, second to get busy blogging, by the time you get to number six there more ideas on in particular social media sites that, I would rather keep to a low, at an amatuer level. Then by the sixth step: " Use press releases for search. While galleries often neglect to distribute their press....... You can use a low-cost service such as PRWeb to distribute your release for under $100." The next thing you look to do is to use SEO to target your site like what search term combinations will reveal you to potential customers.

This Californian's essay:Consumerism the new Capitalism

This is patch written, the modern style "breathing new breath" into idle words, like Nigel Warburton from PhilosophyBites.com

"Society is awakening from its fascination with television entertainment to find itself stripped of tradition, controlled by an oppressive power structure and bound to the credit obligations of a defunct American dream......... it lacks the fulfillment of other cultural mythologies........ . Economic worth has displaced traditional cultural values defining self-worth. Self-worth is gauged by buying power. The acts of buying and owning reinforce self-worth within consumer society......... Behind the butchery of symbolic values by media advertising, the mercantile machine smiles as it folds the green......... Controlling interests commodify culture and sell it to a public weaned on media advertising..................... striving for a media-produced image, our choices are made for us. Choice is reduced to brand name. .............. While capitalism has been linked to the origin of consciousness, consumerism and advertising deceit have become potential threats to consciousness........ the established conventions of language, art and cultural traditions lose their ability to inspire metaphysical truth." Very Complex, but inspirational, it makes you want to glue together stuff. Thats this artists from Venice, California's Essay Not a really good essay its gaging that people are value driven, but its true he's saying more than that wasy to go Cronk where is a spiritual introvert gonna go?

this creative outlet article...................

I was involved in up to five different creative outlets at a time. Now that my work consumes my life, that number has dwindled to one, and I can feel my non-design creative muscles twitching..................... "constantly asking why I found the blank page in front of me more interesting than their lessons...... The key is finding a form in which the final product matters less than in my professional work. The framework I craved as a kid is omnipresent in professional design."

ArtDNA from Britain................funding is often not driven by the artist but by funders.............. When I work with an artist I want the collaboration to provide an opportunity for the artist to extend their practice so they are realising something new or fulfilling an ambition........and then we can discuss which will work best for them and for the gallery, (always bearing in mind budget constraints). ........the idea of the artist/curator relationship being a collaboration gives the artist freedom to be experimental and use the curator as a sounding board to bounce ideas off. i think relationships tend to become difficult if there is not flexibility on either side."

"We kept in touch and tried to develop another piece but were finding funding difficult. it seems funding for projects is always difficult if you have your own idea

artists media performance art public This site came up public consent to participate in art google search about creative concepts in public art, making technical observations about what Public Art would be like in dictatorships. Then don't step to far ahead of yourself but the Catholics have 1.2 billion members and when it comes to church activies that go back in time to multi-cultural heritage of their history Eucharist is opracticed

Resources for artists Ontario Government

Paris France Art Page

Wikipedia a better list of Greek Gods than anywhere else....

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Getting your artwork Etc. Out There

When distant and constant perception capabilities, that artists benefit from through, the use two of the bodies nine openings, that the camera, modern times the digital form, record and help the same. This business I experienced on the bus – get out of the way of the camera. The girl who thought I was capturing her on camera? I don't know, it is to friendly in a way, do you want to agress? The way that safe is in the zone of some other form of interaction, in the cube of metal and glass, her surrounding is restricting, if there was agression glass maybe would be better off not there at all, (liekk in a windowless bayou sightseeing wagon) if she moved becuase she wasn't the only person sitting in that direction, the driver and a black guy was up there too, but she saw me taking them (the pictures), it is a unknown factor as to why she moved exactly.

The TTC has a bi-law 3.1, you have to scroll down to see..

Then it is o.k. for me to do that, it wasn't really a planned commercial commitment at this point, for it to be it would require TTC's permission!

The picture maybe no eyes ever see it, if this blog entry gets a lot of hits maybe I will publish the photograph with just the side of the person who caught my attention, the brunette girl with the gapped teeth, whether or not she meant, 'keep the camera away don't bring it out again.' The threatened, the unthreatened, it was the provacative brunette. Then the high school girl, is the next person I notice, I don't know if they are like birds, snapping little tehs with beaks, well just be polite.

There is advice that if you witness an accident or other types of newsworthy events, you could sell them to a newspaper editor. << this article mention that also artist can take pictures of public for selling to art galleries this is considered editorial usage. (more about art editorial commercial policy, Oxford Online)

I was photographing on the TTC bus for editorial purposes

more on editorial and commercial

First off if she didn't move it wouldn't even have been noticed she was there, and stayed out of my mind uncomplicated, maybe it isn't polite to just snap objects in amongst unfamiliar people. Visitting family it became totally forgotton to snap a few pictures of the brother there, that I was visitting, to in a rush to prepare dinner and that - that is a problem – like being unconventionally too free flowing. Being a bit introvered looking for a deeper sort of expression not immeddiatly wired into reality, innocent, with vivid remorse for reality.

“Waiting for the ball of fire to sink behind the shispy, blue gey & white clouds” Getting caught up and wanting to perceive that god-like naturally inspired immortal intellectual. I wanted to add it to my peice of art, anybody that was there was sexy. This peice wasn't planned and this girl isn't an actor. The bus isn't a bayou sight seeing open cabin tourist tripper.

From AACT #1 for theatrical company start-up: "Do you want to run it as a benevolent dictatorship? A cooperative? Or something in-between? How will you choose projects? Who will help with the non-artistic administrative work?"

How to be more of the site seeing tourist type? The exotic location where natives to the area taken over by another ethnicity (like in Hawaii) It wasn't particularly was the death of the indeginous public transit culture but maybe anything to be more cooperative is the way to go. where is oppression, watch out for it. The people around are having more fun? Now they're maybe caught up into the buffers of suburban marketplace, whatever type of economic socio-political situation is going on. Have all the things working on your side to be a legitimate tourist? Tourist like with fifteen other people snapping at the same time.

The commonly propagated image is of a "cookie-cutter" life fashioned out of a pristine moment in time. Art is not a separate reality, even when portraying the surreal or the absurd art is a true and vital representation of the thoughts, feelings and imagination of the artist. (from Social or Socialist: Realism, Communism, Art and the 1950's)

WHat is socio-political art I was inspired poetically, trying to capture that moment, maybe that moment would have been better to preserve and pre-planned at a later date. Some sort of inspirational photograpy! That would deffinatly be better, do it with a photo club, this, or what it was, might not have been a issue.

Then it could be the commemeration of something really expensive, a engineered machine, everything around it with insurance coverage, like a train, or some archetecture, something that people flock to by the thousands and do the same thing. There isn't people flocking to you, poetically inspired, introverted fantasies, unless you are a bestselling author, screenwriter/actor, ballet, opera, etc. There you go pre-planning all that would be great, read about other people who have captured images of literary inspiration and see what you are capable of. Conspire with your surroundings, manipulating those (or avoiding that - interesting and engaging)around you that could petentially become your collaberating actors and models, add experience to their amatuer qualifications and move on as a local movement, that would generally be showing signs of some avant-garde progression.

---> here is a question and comment on TEdX about making your profession incorporating introversion<---- Resources, administrative structural support, people who are there to help explain your complex interior life, There detailing about a project with creative and girfted people, the modernization another N.A. Project, fuzing the city with the activity of the stage. (New York Lincoln Center, MOM Poet Laurette)

A wild abstract: Anything really not understood, like working on some sort of art in public could potentially confuse.

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