
yeah happy april fools day....... the day was full of fools.

now its time to fix my blog up with less heavy banner image

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

This is Carl Jung's "The Red Book"

(link to my amazon affiliate site, expensive but he is pre-WWI German!!) I was listening to this program CBC.CA's Ideas RSS a very in depth program on Carl Jung call The Red Book Part 1, by Marilyn Powell

This is my Comment to Ms. Reaves on Meetup Spiritual Experiences Group

After reading her previous posting #1 ,#2 (scientific research) to get more accustomed on reincarnation and past-lives, I answered better!!!!

Having dream experiences tell me things about my life would be interesting. Cause I think that would give you a perspective of what drives your sub-conscious. Like Carl Jung (on wikipedia) talks about a particular cultures; German, Persian, etc. Your past life experience could lead you to believe your are descended to Mythical Creatures, Carl dreamed that he helped kill the German mythical Sigfrede, and it was quite emotionally stressful for him, he was admitted into Psychiatric care. He actually denied a Christian tradition of eating a young girls liver in one of his dreams, which led him farther. The life-after-death, a psychological moment after you think your going to die, physical & non-physical realms. Jesus being immortal he said to the Jews, God delved into acts upon unborn lives, unrecognized Elijah prosecuted, the Jews purification shared by Christians until 3-4th c. Then denying it only to a small portion.

I have a passion and a drive to write webinar's & blogs & direct myself successfuly my passions.

Well if you've being staying attentive to feminist issues, there is one blogger I was reading from Chicago that is particularly in S & M. She has a list of "Kink aware Professionals" that she refers you to like all kinds of social service professionals because you can be diagnosed as mentally ill, practicing this potentially dangerous sexual realm!

O.K. that gets you into the world of sub-consciousness, manifesting your ideas of reincarnation. If you are an unemployed dishwasher like myself, it doesn't seem like potentially a unrefined adhering subject and I might be getting socially persecuted. Well I'm not I simply go to the library and search on the internet, I've found this book there, Anatomy of Criticism: Four Essays from the Estate of Northrop Frye. (this is 68 bucks and I will receive 4% through my amazon associate account if you buy it!!!!) Northrop talks about the lower and high mimicry, and in the middle ages when we had a king and queen, medieval times, before deconstructive criticism (wikipedia article of Anatomy of Criticism). The mind of human and how it's constructed socially, mechanism, "polemical introduction" to the existence, of anti-marxist/jungian types saying that it is really a fallacy, which would make it clean and ego-composite.

"Literary criticism ought to be a systematic study of works of literature, just as physics is of nature and history is of human action," (wikipedia). Frye says that the five modes of criticism "mythic, romantic, high mimetic, low mimetic, and ironic." Each literary epoch goes through this cycle. Now with the coming of blogging, the disappearing of corporate hierarchy into the information age we are coming into what Northrop Frye called "Ironic", and long live the lower mimetic, and let Joel Berry's This is my leisure, your gateway to the Crystal Realm take up it's spot in Blogging History!!! (what the hell is that)

Societies anatomical simile, or the Organs of Societies using the human brain at a socializing objectification of humans social manifestation, key out the simile of societies anatomy (sorry dead link) or "anatomical similarities of society," if you get along its kind of like, "comparing society to chemistry." These were some google searches that got me canonizing on Jung level. Well the Chemistry comparing search only got me into science chemistry w/out social comparisons. Then this has probably been written about classically back to antiquity, comparing the anatomy of society to human's, etc..

"..... few key segments can create greater distributions into other segments.

Innovation allows the economic pie of your city to grow,........ and the distribution.....

Then the ultimate search "similes of anatomy of human to human society" and it is true Aristotle wrote about this subject.

Women, Women, what about Females that is Positive

CHinese women info about deciphering they're psychology. I don't know about this girl who conducts physical and mental laboratory research of sexual responses to pornography!!

Wow Pippa Middleton is releasing a Hospitality book, and dating Roger Federor.

--------> Nancy Baym's Personal Connections in the Digital Age available <------- here on Amazon, which I found in this article on texting or "sexting". It says highschool sweethearts possibly on facebook, if your not like me, don't be hopeless though. It says, "while online communication may make it easier to cheat, it also leaves a digital trail that makes it more likely you’ll be caught." Everybody knows that the internet is not the way to find a meaningful relationship. It stuff like getting a getting a "Provocative-Halloween-Costume" or "African_seduction_flirting_rituals" from Torontodatedoctor that say's "Every time we have sexual intercourse there is a potential for a child to be conceived, a potential for a spirit-soul to come down from the spirit world of souls into this physical world." So keep it real life, for sure that is better than a foul simulated woman luring you into some kind of scam!! Avoid the rustle and bustle of that, like you are lured into thinking bad thoughts, like me by looking a the color pink, this is critics topic.

God I have a temper for distrust for contemporary culture!!!!

but when I'm feeling a little cheap I ride the wave!!

Bondage and Sadomasicism author Claire Thorn is so sexy she said hey I like being hurt and adding violence to my sex and not reveal anything about my actual physical explicit facts.