
yeah happy april fools day....... the day was full of fools.

now its time to fix my blog up with less heavy banner image

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Eric Nuzum Keeping your subconscious open to new possibilities..... Eric Nuzum

Sunday, 14 October 2012

"We believe that the current, dominant model of manhood or masculinity is oppressive to women, as well as limiting for men themselves." In this article (very serious but with spelling mistakes) about N.A. pro-feminist men. "Some men emphasize the privilege that men receive by virtue of being men in a patriarchal or male-dominated society," that is true but what about the equality and disputable behavour etc. when it comes to more specific inequalities like "class, race, sexuality, age and other such things are important influences." National Organization for Men Against Sexism - talks about the "institutionalization of heterosexism" in this article. Homosexuals facing similar abuse as ant-semite jews. Their an idea of more sexual freedom, opening up yourselves to a group of people that don't have power in 'the social arena'. The "emasculation {castration, or humiliation of a man} of Jews and stereotyping of homosexuals to perpetuate an excuse for dehumanization and a perception of facile {the neat and easy} targeting for violence." Does the homosexual play a good role in the 'vigilance against social injustice' and inequality? This author described this article references to John Stoltenberg Refusing to be a Man John Stoltenberg who talks about men having understanding of women with issues about male supremecy, not "paving over" issues of violence against women experiences in youth, adolescence and coming from a mutual "perspective of their pacifism, their anti-racism, or their commitment to economic justice."

How many people really relate with the idea of sexuality longing for touching and feeling but not 'coercion' and 'dominance' that becomes a role player. The men "influenced by different strands of feminism" that can stand above the sexual/social hierarchy and be egaltarian! Pro-feminist, male positives, they build alliances with...... well it explains men M.P. are working out issues with masculinity, looking down on violence, look at feminism through heterosexual paths, or homosexuals look at it because of sexism and escape from oppressive standards, and pro-feminist men can be targeted because of their non-stereotypical behavour that would make people believe they're gay. Their approach to solving problems of men and boys in a different approach that the traditional male-ego decided in the past.

On a bit of a lighter note, Hugo Schwyzer - "But even when I was single, I never had trouble “meeting” women, finding sexual partners, or getting into relationships. (I had tremendous problems making relationships work, but that’s a whole ‘nother story.) Writing those words makes me uncomfortable; they seem filled with macho swagger." He goes on to describe successful PUA males as sympathetic to those who aren't. Hugo also says to honour the enthusiastic cooperation of dual consent!! And Claire Thorn - "The pressure put on men to be initiators, yet avoid seeming creepy or aggressive leads to an unpleasant double bind." She's coming to terms with S&M, BDSM fantasies of her younger years uses the term 'slut' and about being overt with her sexual desires. This article states that similar to the last one women become a kind of possession object, and "many PUAs (pick up artists) themselves treat women as almost completely interchangeable with each other" Pick Up Artists - Geek Feminism Wiki then links to this it is basically saying activities for a couple then adding 'geek' to the word female, 'female geek', along with activities...... What does "geek" mean? Some have said it means the giving up of a social life to immerse one's self in some sort of time spent with some purchased tech device..... I read that somewhere. What about a geek, applying to the phrase because he is a feminist nerd? This person who describes her feminism as nerdy, keeps it cool with an invisible, @ non-threatening appeal. as long as you wanna take your time to listen and pay attention to the issues....... and there are many psychologically blowing you into a wasteland off the regular avenue.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Krzysztof Wodiczko - Porous City This is a lecture from MIT, Its is truly entertaining and interesting from the child of holocaust survivors. Krzysztof talks about human suffering, expression and slavery: “Soldiers and Sailors War Memorial in Boston New Years Eve, partners to strangers, strangers gather around historical monuments!” Open up there capacity to share and insert and connect with larger society and culture and unfreeze their traumatic parts of their psyche. The speech act and the different layers of reality that speakers, public voices create. A component of war which become political, societal vices, development in: war, class divisions, etc Monetization, of post-industrial life, after Victorian life, and the different social eras. The holds in the outdoing of certain aspects of life like overcoming slavery are being covered up by like a sculpture, washing out peoples truths.
Stigma (plural: stigmata) is a word that originally means a "sign", "point", or "branding mark". It may refer to: Stigma: wikipedia What if the man you have sex with his identity is to be unknown? This effects the life of you. Your being disuaded to not tell your parents or your friends possibly. I'm not a girl so (this feminist blog about choreography) I don't know Ballet is a type of dance that is pro-feminist in movements. The problem is, she says, that when people hear the word “feminist,” they picture a woman from another time, like Helen Gurley Brown. I think feminists in my opinion: work/represent for the freedom of expression and severe lines with weaknesses to monetary oppression ($$ - being told what to do)

Monday, 8 October 2012

Here is another page about the Feminine side to pornography, Feministe a U.S. site. This and other information i've scene like Youtube: My Retarded Internet DatingMy Retarded Internet Dating are two completely different things, she I guess would be considered a liberal feminist but she's using conventional date sites.
It is described "that men and women are separate and antagonistic classes whose interests necessarily conflict." In this article about the particularities of the feminist movements issue of pornography. That man in the action of porn creates "gender oppression is that sex is a social construct." This is a book about the intimacies of sex from a liberal feminist point of view, Sally Tisdale's, Talk Dirty to Me. Lib-Fem means rejecting the social constructions of male idea but not running and rejecting some ideas!!! The female rights to protect their bodies viability to advertise to the target consumer. Our Bodies, Ourselves by Margaret Sanger was the first feminist book that created independence and scientific self awareness of women in 20th c.. Andrea Drowkin explained in "Take back the Night" that women should look to that male legal system for the systematic sadism of male control. The Secular Humanismsite article states"anyone who uses force or threats to make a woman perform should be charged with kidnapping, assault, and/or rape. Any such pictures or films should be confiscated and burned because no one has the right to benefit from the proceeds of a crime." What about politics for women and pornography, fantasies, sexual freedom and female manchoism. These call roles of 'monetization' but its shady and doesn't seem safe. Is censorship an attempt to isolate and create female sexuality a product? Being available to those who can afford it, who are creating that type of action socially. Thanks to the Secular Humanism site for the info.